Thursday, May 22, 2008

Discussion Questions(Week 14)

Will corpus linguistics revolutionize grammar teaching in the 21st century?
Conrad, S

1. Since a corpus-based analysis can look into any language patterns------ lexical, structural and grammatical, discourse, etc------ how and/or can corpus linguistics be applied/incorporated to syllabus design, materials development, and classroom activities to help in course planning choices?

A combined corpus and systemic-functional analysis or the problem-solution pattern in a student and professional corpus of technical writing.
Flowerdew, L

1. With regard to implementing the use of a corpus for the purpose of teaching, it seems to be important to select the corpus that is useful for a particular teaching context and that represents the target register. How feasible it is to integrate the relevance of a chosen corpus data to the student’s needs, interests, and different learning styles?

Discussion questions

Self-awareness in NNS EFL Primary and
Secondary School Teachers
Enric Llurda
Ă€ngel Huguet

1. To be able to foster self-confidence and self-identity, we need to be aware of how to communicate adequately. This leads to readiness for intercultural communication.
Do the students need to be taught to be `aware`?
How can teachers learn to teach awareness?
How can they become aware themselves?

Proficiency or the native speakers: What are we trying to achieve in ELT?
Alan Davies
Nonnative-English-Speaking Professionals in TESOL
Jun Liu

1. What different requirements do Native Speaker teachers face in their teaching methods in teaching multilingual classes?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Discussion Questions.

Since all the three articles "Native speaker(NS) non native speaker(NNS) dichotomy", "Native and Non native teachers in the classroom", "Nonnative English speaking professional in TESOL", discuss more or less the same topic I have some general questions:

Mostly, all the schools want the best for their learners. Is it a Native Speaker Teachers that are best in this case?

Could it be possible that in certain situations NNS teachers are preferable?

Are NS teachers the best teachers of a language? Just because they speak a language naturally, does that mean that they can teach it better?
What makes the teachers better equipped to teach the language?

Considering the issue of English as an International Language, many non native speakers communicate in a certain type of English on a regular basis with other non native speakers. So, in this situation who would make the better teacher?


Monday, April 14, 2008

Questions (Week 9)

Dear all,

Here are my questions for the articles we are going to study today:


Article I:

1.From your point of view, which factors could lead to gender-related bias in language assessment?

2.Taking the arguments put foward by Brown and McNamara (2004), could you discuss the fundamental flaw in current research on gender and language testing?

3. Do you think what kinds of variables need to be paid heed to remedy the flaw in current studies investigating gender effects in language testing?

4. In light of the information given about research on gender and language assessment, could you discuss the authors’ stance towards investigating gender effects in language assessment outcomes?

Article II:

1. Davis and Skilton-Sylvester (2004) state that there appears to be a general shift from essentialist and positivist models to constructivist approach in the field of second language acquisition. Taking this statement into account, how do you evaluate the attitudes of current materials (i.e. coursebooks, other supplementary teaching aids used in the language classroom) towards the issue of gender? Do you think it is still possible to observe the traces of male/female dichotomy?

2. When you compare poststructuralist, critical-feminist research paradigm to positivist, postpositivist research tradition, from your point of view, in what ways does the first approach differ from the latter? Could you discuss the contributions of the framework in the first group to SLA research in general and ESOL pedagogy in particular?

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Dear All;
first of all I want to thank Aysegul to answer my discussion questions.Although I agree to some extend with the first question's answer, I was not convinced with the second response! we will talk about it more in person:D
p.s: Aysegul in addition to a good teacher,you would make a great actress and pilot!
see you all on Monday

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dear Masha and all,

The video below is my response to Masha's discussion questions about the article I was responsible for.

Thank you


I wOnDeR

Hello everybody.I have been checking the blog for the video but I can not see it yet!
though as we have all read the article already I would like to discuss my questions with you

1.According to what was discussed in the article about different theories of globalization, what strategy is the teacher supposed to adapt in the classroom to balance the different learners individual positions towards globalization?
2. Where does the teacher's taste of topic stand?!
If the teacher must always be cautious of the different cultures involving in his/her class, then to what extent should the teacher take his/her own taste of topic into account?
I would be happy to know your idea
have a nice weekend